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                                                                      August 6, 2002

        The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:30 P.M. in the Sharon Town Offices with Chair Allen Garf and Selectmen Norman Katz and Walter Joe Roach and Town Administrator Benjamin E. Puritz.

        The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M.

Distinguished Service Award

It was the consensus of the Board to present a “Distinguished Service Award” to Robert Berish for his eighteen years of dedicated service to the Town of Sharon.

Anniversary Award

It was the consensus of the Board to present an award to Bryant R. Simpson for his 30 years of loyal service to the Town of Sharon.

Interview for Appointment to Conservation Commission or Board of Health

The Board interviewed Mary Tobin for appointment either the Conservation Commission or the Board of Health.

Interview for Reappointment to the Commission on Disabilities

The Board interviewed Sydney Rosenthal for reappointment to the Commission on Disabilities.

Interview for Reappointment to the Commission on Disabilities

The Board interviewed Florence Finkle for reappointment to the Commission on Disabilities.

Interview for Reappointment to the Commission on Disabilities

Shirley Brownstein was unable to attend the Board of Selectmen’s Meeting for reappointment to the Commission on Disabilities.  A date for an interview will be re-scheduled.


VOTED:  (Katz/Roach)  Voted unanimously to accept the Minutes of July 23, 2002, as corrected:
            Under Executive Session, (Roach/Katz) to (Roach/Garf)

Vote to Appoint George Bailey as Town Representative to MAPC

VOTED:  (Katz/Roach)  Voted unanimously to appoint George Bailey as Town Representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council for a term to expire on August 6, 2005.

Selectmen’s Police Number 2 - Committee Appointments - Option A & B

VOTED: (Katz/Roach) Voted unanimously to accept Option B on Selectmen’s Policy number 2 as submitted.

                                          POLICY NUMBER TWO    
                                                  COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS

Approved: 12/8/88   First Amendment: 6/1/00                     
                     Second Amendment:  10/4/00
                     Third Amendment 8/6/02


This policy contains guidelines for Selectmen's appointments to volunteer committees.  It shall apply to all groups, organizations and committees (hereinafter committees) whenever the Selectmen are required to appoint the entire committee or any members thereof.


        A.      Before making any appointment, the Selectmen shall cause a notice calling for volunteers to be broadcast on cable T.V. and may request that the Sharon Advocate, Boston Globe (South) and the Patriot Ledger publish the same. The notice shall specify the name of the committee, state how to apply, include a closing date for accepting applications, and give a telephone number where information concerning the duties of the committee and the time commitment necessary may be obtained. Whenever possible, these notices shall be broadcast at least one month prior to the close date.

        B.      The Selectmen or Town Administrator  are encouraged to recruit members for any committee position.


        A.      Any resident of the Town of Sharon may apply to be appointed to a committee. Interested residents shall be directed to submit brief letters to the Selectmen stating why they are interested in being appointed and what qualifications they would bring to the position. Whenever possible, resumes should also be forwarded to the Selectmen's office.

                As a general statement and underlying principle, people invited to serve the town by becoming members of its important non-elected committees, boards and commissions should:

Be people of competence, good will and sound, objective judgment;
                Be drawn from new and long-time residents alike;
                Be truly interested in the welfare of Sharon and all its residents;
                Be sensitive to the long-term as well as immediate impact of their decisions and recommendations; and,
                Be willing and able to devote the time and energy necessary to fulfill their responsibilities.
It should be noted that “experience,” while desirable, is NOT a requirement.  The Selectmen would like to encourage people who have not come forward before to let their interests be know.  

        B.      The Selectmen shall interview, in public session, all applicants for committee positions and shall make their appointments in public session. Interviews shall focus on the qualifications of the applicant and the role of the committee.  The chair of the committee shall be notified in writing of the interview date and time, relative to candidates for appointment to the committee for which he/she serves as chair, and invited to attend the meeting.

        A.      All committee appointments shall be based solely on merit.

        B.      Appointments shall be made as soon as possible after all interested residents are interviewed. Appointments shall be made in public session. A majority vote of the Board is necessary to appoint members. Whenever possible, the Board shall delay voting on an appointment until the entire Board is present.


        A.      Applicants are encouraged to apply for alternative appointments whenever there are vacancies on more than one committee.  Applicants seeking alternative appointments should inform the Selectmen's office of their order of preference for appointment.

The Selectmen's office shall maintain a list of all applicants who are not appointed, including the committees that they are interested in serving upon, and shall contact them for interviews should a position that they are interested in become available.


The Selectmen's office shall inform appointees of  the term of their appointment. In cases where the term of appointment is not elsewhere defined, appointments shall be made for a term of years as determined by the Selectmen, but in no case shall an appointment exceed three years. The ordinary practice should be to make appointments for a three-year term. Whenever a vacancy occurs before the expiration of a term, the Selectmen shall appoint a member to fill out the unexpired portion of the term.


Members in good standing may be reappointed at the discretion of the Selectmen pursuant to application in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraphs II-VI, VIII and IX of this policy.   The Selectmen shall seek the advice of the chair or other members of the committee as to whether the person seeking reappointment has satisfactorily carried out the duties of a committee member.


        A.      The Selectmen shall not appoint a resident to serve simultaneously on more than one committee.  However, residents who have been elected to a committee, appointed by another Board or organization, or who serve by operation of statute, bylaw or other rule, may be appointed by the Selectmen to serve on one additional committee. This provision shall not apply to the Selectmen or the Town Administrator.  The Selectmen may waive this provision by voting unanimously that it is in the best interest of the Town to do so.

        B.      The appointment of residents who have a potential conflict of interest and require appointment as a special employee to serve shall be governed by a separate policy.


        A.      The Selectmen shall make committee appointments so that the term of appointment expires on September 30 of any given year. When making reappointments, the Selectmen shall endeavor to make all new appointments and reappointments expire on September 30.

        B.      Appointments for terms beginning September 30 shall be made after the Annual Town Election of any given year.

Board of Selectmen Goals - 2001-2002

The Board reviewed the following Selectmen Goals 6 through 11 for 2001-2002:

6.     Provide direction re ongoing Cable TV relicensing process, (e.g., AT&T Broadband).
Status:  10-year renewal through April 2012, signed, with favorable terms re revenue sharing for SCTV.

7.      Expand interboard communication/coordination efforts and related boards/departments public education updates at Selectmen’s meetings.
        Status: All town boards and committees were invited to meet with Board of Selectmen to update   the community and board re activities and goals.
        Worked closely with the School Superintendent, School Committee, Finance Committee and other members of the Priority Committee to develop budgets and a strategy to deal with difficult financial times.
        Provided public updates of Town finances and plans including via SCTV programs/panel discussions and press releases to Sharon Advocate.
         Met with School Committee re collaborative collective bargaining strategy as permitted by law. 

8.      Manage/monitor legal actions/expenses.  Consider “Law Budget” as a “Fixed/Uncontrollable” category.
        Expenditures $20,000 below budget allocation.
        Presentation made to Priorities Committee to move Law Budget to “Fixed and Uncontrollable” category, but failed to gain support for this change.

9.      Provide support assistance to new Department Head appointments (e.g., DPW Superintendent, Town Engineer).
Status:  provided orientation assistance and support -- Eric Hooper off to an impressive start, as expected.

10.     Provide input/assistance to Government Study Committee.
Status:   provided input re form of government and related functioning -- also whether appropriate for Fin Com representation on COC given Fin Com votes/provides rec'd  to town meeting.  Does current arrangement give Fin Com two votes on capital matters?

11.     New - Senior Citizen Tax Relief
Status:  in process of setting up task force, following-up with legislators and other communities and generally collecting information to address this issues, provide options/alternatives, etc.
        Items to be considered and/or pursued include:

        Increasing dollar threshold for exemption or assistance eligibility.
        Expanding number of state/federal assisted housing units.
        Increase property tax work-off amount (now $500) and placement opportunities/assignments.
        Review Tax deferrals and abatements.
        Investigate so called “head tax”.

Benjamin E. Puritz, Town Administrator informed the Board that Roni Thaler is willing to serve on the Property Tax Relief Committee.  The Committee will focus on Property Tax Relief and a plan to assist seniors with financial problems due to the increases in property taxes.

“No Place for Hate” Re-certification to be signed

VOTED: (Katz/Roach) Voted unanimously to sign the re-certification for “No Place for Hate”

Banner Request - Cub Scout Pack 18

VOTED:  (Katz/Roach)  Voted unanimously to approve a banner for Cub Scout Pack 18 in the first position for the dates August 26-30, 2002.

Wilber School Special member Board of Selectmen Appointments to Standing Building Committee

VOTED:  (Katz/Roach)  Voted unanimously to appoint Michael Baskin as Wilber School special member (Town Administration) to the Standing Building Committee with Rick Rice as alternate.

Eisenhower Drive Cul-de-sac Tree Removal Surety

The Board reviewed the memo by Eric R. Hooper, Superintendent of Public Works, dated August 2, 2002 in regard to the Proposed Surety for Eisenhower Drive Cul-de-sac Tree Removal.  E. Hooper stated that the owner of R. Williams Road, Robert Stein, has petitioned to remove seven (7) trees within the Town Right-of-way at the end of Eisenhower Drive in order to access his property to re-establish the property line between his property and his abutters at 30 and 31 Eisenhower Drive.  According to the Town Tree Warden, Kevin Weber, a total of seven (7) trees, 4 white pines and 3 arborvitae, are potentially impacted by the proposed access.  Trees are generally bonded at $250 a tree.  An additional 30 feet of Cape Cod style berm are included in the surety amount.  Berm is bonded at a flat $750.  The total recommended surety amount is $2,500.  E. Hooper “recommended that the language allowing the work to be proceed state that work can proceed following a 7 calendar day period following posting of the surety and that work be completed within 90 calendar days following a notice to proceed.”

VOTED: (Roach/Katz) Voted unanimously to grant he Eisenhower Drive Cul-de-sac tree removal in accordance with the terms as stipulated in the above 8/2 memo.

Water Update - Eric Hooper and Fred Clay

The Board reviewed the memo from Eric R. Hooper, Superintendent of Public Works, dated July 31, 2002 in regard to the Water System Project Status Update.  E. Hooper presented a schedule of work to evaluate the present and future demand and an assessment of Well #6, which is nearing completion.  Mr. Hooper said the M&E has recommended that a series of hydrant tests be performed in order to re-calibrate and re-run the hydraulic model.  The Water Department has been checking all water valves to ensure that all valves are open and in good condition. Due to new subdivision development some valves were shut during construction and were not turned fully back on.  Developers are to notify the Water Department when they are beginning construction.  Eric Hooper was asked if he minded to take a small recess from his water update report, as Senator Brian Joyce had just entered into the Board of Selectmen’s meeting room with an update on the FY03 State distributions.  E. Hooper concurred.

Senator Brian A. Joyce

Senator Brian A. Joyce reported that the FY03 State distribution budget prevailed an increase over FY02 of $588,425.  The Senator also noted that the Open-Space Bond Bill was in the process of being a reality for signature by the Governor in regard to the Bond Bill for $12,000,000 for Rattlesnake Hill.

Continuance of Water System Project Status Update - Eric Hooper

Eric R. Hooper, Superintendent of Public Works, has indicated that the Water Department has already shifted watering times of large irrigation users, including the Town Recreation Department and School Department playing fields and McIntosh Farms Condominium complex, to off-peak hours.  The Water Department is currently pursuing installing irrigation wells at playing fields to remove that demand completely from the Town drinking water system.  Well #6 is currently screened within an iron/manganese band and that a new well could be installed at a depth 25’ lower.  Future re-development of Well #6 will be below the iron/manganese band, but no significant improvement in water quality is to be expected.  Re-developing Well #2 as a deeper, multiple point field is being assessed.  Well #4 is already permitted at 1 million gallons per day which DEP considers an upper limit.  Wells #3, #5, and #7 will be assessed in turn.  Test wells were installed in the area near the Sharon Memorial Park (Knollwood) Cemetery off Canton Street during the previous round of exploration for Well #8.  We will keep looking and re-evaluating this Well #8 and see if more water can get into existing Wells.  The next Water Update is scheduled for mid-October.

Interview for Reappointment to Constable

The Board interviewed Robert McGrath for reappointment to Constable

Sidewalk Priorities - Omer LaBrie

Mr. Omer LaBrie is requesting the Board of Selectmen to take into consideration his proposal for construction of a sidewalk in the vicinity of Quincy Street.  Quincy Street is a very narrow street, with high pedestrian and automobile traffic due to its proximity to Lake Massapoag and the local synagogues.  

It is the consensus of the Board that Mr. LaBrie’s request be sent to the Transportation Advisory Board for review.

Executive Session

VOTED: (Katz/Roach) Voted unanimously to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion matters of Collective Bargaining and Pending Litigation and at the conclusion thereof to adjourn for the evening.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 9:32 P.M.